Measurements for Success
By Ann Elliott
We can find information easily and quickly today with the help of the internet, GPS navigation, and smartphone communication. In your business, success hinges on having the right information about the right indicators at the right time.
KPI (key performance indicators) are to business like points on the Leader Board at the Masters Golf Tournament are to sports. KPI tell you if you are winning or losing. A key indicator for almost any business is the cost to acquire a new customer. Another key indicator is the value of an existing customer.
If you don’t know your current reality or “the brutal facts” as Jim Collins says in Good to Great, how do you know how to plan or to make a course correction? If you don’t know where you are, how can you make good decisions to go where you want?
For example, I asked the CEO of a construction company what advice would he give to a business owner. Without hesitation he replied, “Know where you stand. I get a report every week on the progress of each job and where it stands. A lot of contractors think when they have money in the bank they are doing well. This isn’t the case.”
If your business is not measuring KPI or measuring the wrong thing, you can be experiencing:
- Missed opportunities
- Bad, costly decisions
- Unachieved goals
- Confused employees
- Jeopardized long term sustainability
- Difficulty in knowing what to measure
- Challenge in creating the measurements
- Lack of understanding about the power of measurements
- Action not tied to measured results
- Inexperience in developing ways to measure KPI
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