Cliches Clarify or Obscure
By Ann Elliott
by Ann Elliott
When was the last time you used a cliché to make a point or tell a story? Have you been annoyed by cliches or the misuse of them?
Experts advise writers and speakers to avoid clichés and slang. I attempted to eliminate “y’all,” a southern slang expression, from my conversation, for example. The effort made me aware of how often I used “y’all” in my communication.
The Random House College Dictionary defines cliché as “a trite, stereotyped expression that has lost originality and impact by long overuse.” Conversation is dull without the colorful and picturesque language of clichés. When used wisely and accurately, clichés are helpful.
In the last month I have heard two well known professionals use “déjà vu” in two unrelated incidents. One of them has donated $25 million to the University of South Carolina and the other is an internationally recognized television journalist. Both of them said, “This is like déjà vu all over again” to explain a situation they experienced or witnessed. Do these well educated professionals know the meaning of déjà vu or were they quoting Yogi Berra without giving him credit?
Cliché’s are valuable for these reasons:
- simple language
- easy to understand
- pithy and concise
- widely used
- colorful and picturesque
- time tested
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