My Twenty-One Favorite Things
By Ann Elliott
How often are you side tracked by seeing only the big and lofty visions? Big and lofty visions are important and yet isn’t it the small and dailiness of it all that sustains us?
Just for fun I started to make a list of things, experiences, and feelings that I really enjoy. Here they are. I invite you to make a list, too.
• A sharp pencil and new box of Crayons
• The sound of a lawn mower or vacuum cleaner especially when someone else is pushing it
• 100% cotton, clean, ironed white bed linens
• Responses that are straight forward, respectful and to the point
• Spontaneous client comments such as “Working with you is the best investment I ever made.”
• People who ask “How can I help you?” and seriously want to help
• Drivers who are paying attention
• Cars that get 30 miles per gallon or better
• Teachers who love their student and their subject whether it’s yoga or statistics
• A current back up of computer data
• A book that entertains, inspires and evokes laughter like Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert does
• A team who makes promises/commitments and keeps them
• Clothes that are made of natural fibers, flattering and comfortable
• Tea, especially Zen Green Tea by Tazo (hot or cold)
• Realizing that what seemed like an insurmountable challenge is the perfect catalyst to a better outcome
• Finding a file easily and immediately
• Understanding that I am responsible for my choices and no one else’s choices
• Receiving a personal letter or note with a “real” postage stamp
• Appreciating the value of personal down time and fun to increase focus and productivity (less is more).
• Laughing
• Writing the last word of a monthly newsletter
Compile your list and send me your top five favorite things. I’ll compile the list for a future newsletter.
What are you going to do to attract more fun into your life and work? It’s an inside job.
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